Key layouts major 3-row
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Key layouts major

for all possible major scales available on the 3 row instrument

I use a 3-row instrument in the scale of D-G-C as an example, but these patterns are usable on all instruments with different scales. Only the scale names have to be replaced if used on different scales.

Play on the following rows as the main row for playing:

Playing in the 1st row, D-major

Playing in the 2nd row, G-major

Playing in the 3rd row, C-major

I recommend to start exercising on the middle row, then go on with the inner 3rd row and then proceed with the outer 1st row. I also recommend to play or try to play the same tune in high and in low position as well, this way you can find the best sounding position for the respective tune.

Now the key layouts:

Playing in the 2nd row, G-major

Push, scale 2nd row. All seven notes of the diatonic scale are present in three different octaves (positions on the key layout). The most important keys are printed bold. The Gleichton is underlined.

Key layout three-row, middle row, push


4 6 1 4 6 1 4 6 1 4
2. 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3










5 7 2
Low position Middle position High position

Alternating bass and double dominant (DD) is possible. In combination with the above the respective bass keys:

Key layout bass three-row, middle row, push
6 x 3 (3) (3)
4 (4) 1 (1) 5 (5)
4thstep 4thchord bass chord  altern. DD

Pull, scale of the middle row. In low position the 3rd scale note is missing, in the high position the 5th note is missing too. If these notes are needed in the tune one has to change to pull direction for these notes. If this is done the bass position (fingers) has to be changed too.

Key layout three-row, middle row, pull


b7 1 3 5 b7 1 3 5 b7 2
2. 4 5 7 2 4 5 7 2 4 6 7










3 #4 6
Low position Middle position High position

In combination with the above, the respective bass keys:

Key layout bass three-row, middle row, pull
4 (2minor) 6 (6minor) (6minor)
1 (1) 5 (5) 2 (2 DD)
1thstep 1thchord bass chord altern. DD

Playing in the 1st row, D-major

Push, scale of the 1st row. The most important keys are printed bold. The 7th note of the scale is missing, If this note is needed in the tune one has to change to pull direction for these notes. If this is done the bass position (fingers) has to be changed too. Experienced musicians change the whole measure to pull direction. And then in low position the 2nd note is missing too.

Key layout 3-row, 1st row, push


b7 2 4 b7 2 4 b7 2 4 b7
2. 4 6 1 4 6 1 4 6 1 4 6










1 3 5
Low position Middle position High position highest

Alternating bass is possible, double dominant (DD) is reachable but on different position in the second row. In combination with the above, the respective bass keys:

Key layout bass three-row, 1st row, push
2 (2 DD) 6 x x
b7 x 4 (4) 1 (1)
DD DD 4thstep 4thchord bass chord

Pull, scale 1st row. All scale specific notes are present, but a Gleichton is not available. The respective 5th note of this scale is on the second row.

Key layout 3-row, first row, pull


b3 4 6 1 b3 4 6 1 b3 5
2. b7 1 3 5 b7 1 3 5 b7 2 3









4 6 7 2
Low position Middle position High position highest

In combination with the above the respective bass keys:

Key layout bass three-row, first row, pull
b3 x 2 (2minor)


4 (4) 1 (1) 5 (5)
4thstep 4thchord 1thstep 1thchord bass chord

Playing in the 3rd row, C-major

Push, scale on 3rd row. The most important keys are printed bold. In all three positions the 4th note of the scale is missing. Is only available in pull direction without the needed bass keys. Very often this key is added as accidental with other missing notes.

Key layout three-row, 3rd-row, push


1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1
2. 5 7 2 5 7 2 5 7 2 5 7
2 #4 6 2 #4 6 2 #4 6 2 #4 6
Low position Middle position High position

Alternating bass and double dominant is possible, 4th step is reachable on Pull: In combination with the above the respective bass keys.

Key layout bass three-row, 3rd-row, push
3 (3) 7 x x
1 (1) 5 (5) 2 x
bass chord altern. DD

Pull, scale 3rd row. In high position the important scale note 5 is missing and is only reachable on push direction or with an auxiliary key.

Griffbild Harmonika Dreireiher, innere Reihe, Zug


4 5 7 2 4 5 7 2 4 6
2. 1 2 #4 6 1 2 #4 6 1 3 #4
5 6 #1 3 5 7 #1 3 5 7 #1 3
Low position Middle position High position

In combination with the above the respective bass keys:

Key layout three-row, 3rd-row, pull
4 (4) 3 x x
5 (5) 2 (2 DD) 6 x
bass chord altern. DD

more scales (F-major, A-major)

These scales are practically not playable to some extent and are incomplete in every position.

Nach oben ] [ Key layouts major 3-row ] Key layouts minor 3-row ] Key layouts major 4-row ] Key layouts minor 4-row ]

Questions about the Steirische ] Playing technique ] Playing with standard notation ] "Griffschrift" explained ] Easy multiple voices ] Bass play and alternating bass ] swinging music ]
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