A swinging finish
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A swinging finish

A tune is only over when the last note has sounded. A bad ending makes the whole piece seem bad in the memory of the listeners; a swinging conclusion makes up for some previous nastiness.


With many dances, particularly with Polkas, one can accelerate the last melody run-through.

This means however: a one time acceleration at the beginning of this concluding melody.

if necessary, even after a preceding slow-down.

or in the last measures of the previous melody already intentional acceleration.

The remaining melody is then played evenly with the new faster speed.

Or one increases the speed just shortly before the end, then the dance finishes with a final chord.

One can announce the end of the dance with a slight delay (Ritardando) especially with waltzes.

Or one plays the last notes with extra emphasis, or one gets louder toward the finish, or even quieter, and the last notes fade in volume.

Now and then the dancers can be intentionally mislead

Finish within a measure, without warning

Play on after a final chord

Without pause, continue with a different rhythm (play the last waltz melody as a polka)

All these must be exceptions if they are to work.

With many folk dances the last figure (waltz, polka) can be repeated once more before the actual finish, could be in a different scale, or with different slightly faster tempo.

One can change the end of some melodies, for instance the measure before the last with a run one octave higher or lower, a short cadence added, or ending with an arpeggio plus the 17th measure.

One should use different ending on different tunes, so not every tune finishes with the same ending.

But mainly one should keep the tension until the end of the tune and even a bit longer until the last note is not heard any more.

Nach oben ] Good style can be learned ] Listen - practice - play ] Rhythm in Folk music ] Rhythm differences ] Rhythm examples ] Phrases ] Tempo ] Sing along with music and the like ] [ A swinging finish ]
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